Six of the Most Important Digital Marketing KPIs to Track

Knowing which metrics to measure is crucial to successful digital marketing, and knowing what to track helps you make more informed decisions. The most important KPIs to track are revenue attribution, open rate, CPC, and customer satisfaction. However, if you’re just getting started with digital marketing, here are some of the most important metrics to consider. Read on to learn more. Also, keep in mind that while tracking these metrics is crucial to your digital marketing strategy, you should remember to maintain a consistent approach across your channels.

Revenue attribution

One of the most important digital marketing KPIs is revenue attribution, which is used to determine how the revenue generated by your marketing activities was influenced by your efforts. A marketing qualified lead is a person who converts into a customer or serious prospect. Using this KPI will enable you to understand how your content marketing efforts are influencing sales and can motivate your stakeholders to contribute more to the content. Learn more steps to create your 12 months digital marketing plan.

Keeping track of revenue attribution is crucial for any business because it helps you determine whether or not your marketing efforts are working. Knowing how many marketing touches have resulted in a sale will give you much more information and allow you to prioritize your daily activities. With this information, you can focus on the goals that matter most to you and spend your marketing dollars accordingly. Ultimately, revenue attribution can make all the difference for your business.

Six of the Most Important Digital Marketing KPIs to Track

Open rate

The open rate of your emails is a very important KPI for email marketers. It helps you determine the open rates of different email campaigns and compare them with one another. It is particularly helpful for email marketers to track the open rate of emails in comparison to industry benchmarks, as some industries have higher open rates than others. However, keep in mind that the open rate of an email sent via email provider may not be 100% accurate, as some preview panes or text-only emails will not register as opens.

Another important metric to measure is email open rate. This number represents the proportion of recipients who opened an email sent by a particular marketing channel. This number is important to know if your list is truly targeted. Depending on your goal, you can improve your email open rate by personalizing your emails, improving subject lines, or implementing A/B testing to determine which content works best. In addition, you can monitor the open rate of your emails through email delivery percentage. The good CTOR will be between twenty and thirty percent.


You’ve probably heard about CPC, or cost per click, but what is it and how can it be used in your digital marketing campaigns? CPC is an ad pricing model that measures the amount of money spent on each ad impression. CPCs vary from platform to platform, but Facebook’s average CPM is $6 to $9. Video campaigns can cost as little as $11 to $12.

A good way to measure the success of your PPC campaigns is by tracking the CPC. This number helps you see how much each click costs, and can help you optimize your PPC campaigns accordingly. However, CPC doesn’t measure everything. There are many other important metrics that you should track, such as the number of clicks or impressions. In fact, some marketers get more conversions by appealing to searchers who are in the third position.

Six of the Most Important Digital Marketing KPIs to Track

Customer satisfaction

To make sure that your business is meeting customer expectations and ensuring that its employees are happy, you should measure customer satisfaction. It may seem like an obvious goal, but measuring customer satisfaction can be a complex process. There are many aspects of a business that can influence customer satisfaction. In addition, customers’ expectations vary. So, how can you measure customer satisfaction? Here are six things to look for in your customer satisfaction metrics.

Customer satisfaction can vary significantly from industry to industry. For example, customer satisfaction rates for internet service providers are low, while customer satisfaction levels for soft drink companies are higher. Knowing what your customers associate with your brand will help you identify opportunity areas and measure how well you deliver on customer expectations. A good survey will give you an idea of how satisfied your customers are, and whether your company is meeting these expectations.

Lead conversion rate

The lead conversion rate tells you how many of your website visitors turn into actual leads. You can calculate this rate by dividing the number of leads created by the total number of website visitors. If you have a high lead conversion rate, this KPI will help you determine how many potential customers you have. Lead conversion rate is also important for determining the quality of your leads. In order to increase your lead conversion rate, make sure your website is designed for your leads to be educated and ready to buy.

In addition to calculating lead conversion rate, it is important to determine how much of your visitors turn into leads. Conversion rate metrics can be very useful for determining the success of your marketing efforts. Keeping track of these metrics will help you improve your website and capture your most valuable customers. One way to calculate lead conversion rate is to create a lead tracking system. With the right tools and training, you can calculate your lead conversion rate using Google Analytics.